The WAMPO region contains 4,886 miles of roadway. This includes all of Sedgwick and portions of Butler and Sumner counties.
1,587.4 miles are eligible for federal transportation funds (2013)
215 miles are on the Congestion Management Plan Network (2013)
440 miles are on the WAMPO Multimodal Freight Network (2013)
Interstates include: I–35, I–135 and I–235
Federal designated routes include: US–54, US–400
State of Kansas routes include: K–96, K–15, K–42 and K–53
5.583 billion vehicles miles of travel occurred in 2012 alone​
Travel Demand Model
The Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WAMPO) is in the process of updating the Travel Demand Model (TDM) for the region. A TDM is a necessary tool for metropolitan planning organizations to develop long range plans and properly evaluate future projects in the region, as well as ensuring compliance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations.
For more information visit: https://www.wampo.org/tdm
Functional classification is the system used to organize streets and highways according to how they move vehicles across our transportation network. This designation is based on criteria established by the Federal Highway Administration, such as roadway volume, speed limit, etc. Functional classification is used in transportation planning, roadway design, and is one of the factors in determining if a roadway project is eligible to receive federal funds.