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Regional Transit Implementation Plan

WAMPO collaborated with SRF Consulting Group, Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, and Shockey Consulting Services to develop a Regional Transit Implementation Plan, building on the 2018 Wichita Area Transit Feasibility Study. This plan builds on previous transit studies and aims to improve regional transit through governance options such as interlocal agreements, joint powers agreements, or a Regional Transit Authority. It includes reports on transit history, feasibility, future scenarios, and implementation steps. Public engagement meetings gathered input on service enhancements, and service alternatives were evaluated using qualitative and quantitative criteria. The draft final report is now available.

Please contact for more information about the Regional Transit Implementation Plan.

WAMPO and partner communities throughout the region are completing a regional transit study. The purpose of the study is to look at current service throughout the region (Sedgwick County and parts of Butler and Sumner Counties) and work with communities and the public to understand whether the service meets the needs or whether additional service is needed. If changes are needed, the study will evaluate:

  • What service could look like (days of the week, hours, schedules) 

  • How much it would cost

  • How it could be paid for

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