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Public Participation: Text


Thank you for participating in the MTP 2050 Public Engagement Round 3 survey. Responses are being analyzed and will be uploaded to the MTP 2050 webpage soon.

A Public Participation Plan (PPP) describes an MPO's strategies and techniques to inform and engage the public in transportation planning issues with the goal and purpose of maximizing participation and effectiveness. Public participation is integral to good transportation policies, programs, and projects. Without meaningful public involvement, there is a risk of making poor decisions or decisions that have unintended negative consequences. The MPO is responsible for actively involving all affected parties in an open, cooperative, and collaborative process that provides meaningful opportunities to influence transportation decisions. WAMPO is committed to understanding our communities diverse transportation needs, concerns, and ideas about what needs to change or be improved. ​


Any public comments can be sent to

Adopted December 2022

Public Comment Opportunities

Check back here for public comment opportunities, the guidelines of which are outlined in WAMPO's Public Participation Plan.

All public comments can be sent to


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