A Public Participation Plan (PPP) describes an MPO's strategies and techniques to inform and engage the public in transportation planning issues with the goal and purpose of maximizing participation and effectiveness. Public participation is integral to good transportation policies, programs, and projects. Without meaningful public involvement, there is a risk of making poor decisions or decisions that have unintended negative consequences. The MPO is responsible for actively involving all affected parties in an open, cooperative, and collaborative process that provides meaningful opportunities to influence transportation decisions. WAMPO is committed to understanding our communities diverse transportation needs, concerns, and ideas about what needs to change or be improved.
Any public comments can be sent to
Adopted December 2022
Public Comment Opportunities
WAMPO FFY2025-FFY2028 Transportation Improvement Program
--The Public Comment Period for 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment #4 Is Open
The Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WAMPO) has opened the public comment period for Amendment 4 to the FFY2025-FFY2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), February 28, 2025, through March 14, 2025. Public comments received during this 15-day period will be reported to and considered by the WAMPO Transportation Policy Body, which will decide whether to revise the document prior to final approval on April 8, 2025.
A TIP is required for a metropolitan area to receive federal transportation funds. Demonstrating a planned approach, all regionally significant and/or federally funded transportation projects in the WAMPO region are required to be included in the TIP. These projects may include highway, road, or bridge construction projects, operations and maintenance of the transportation system, equipment purchases, such as replacement buses, and transportation planning initiatives, among other project types. Changes to and additions of specific projects are often required before the development of the next new TIP, so WAMPO conducts regularly scheduled amendments to the TIP, usually about four per year.
WAMPO fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. For more information, or to obtain a Title VI Discrimination Complaint Form, see or call 316.779.1313.
For more information, visit or contact the Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization at 316.779.1313 or by email at