The Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WAMPO) is in the process of developing the next long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the region. It is called WAMPO MTP 2050. The goal is to look at priorities for transportation improvements including safety, ease of travel time, creating a more equitable system and improving connectivity for all modes of travel.
The MTP 2050 purpose is to –
Identify transportation policies, strategies, and projects for the future.
Determine project demand for transportation services.
Focus on the systems level, including roadways, transit, non-motorized transportation and intermodal connections.
Estimate costs and identify reasonably available financial sources for operation.
Maintenance, and capital investments.
Determine ways to preserve existing roads and facilities and make efficient use of the existing system.
A Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) covers a planning horizon of at least 20 years and has full updates every 5 years. MTP 2050 will cover 25 years and will be adopted in 2025.
WAMPO is in the final stages of developing Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2050 and will upload draft chapters and appendices as they are completed.
MTP 2050 Plan Advisory Committee (PAC)
The primary role of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2050 (MTP 2050) Plan Advisory Committee (PAC) is to provide expertise and guide WAMPO staff throughout the extensive MTP development process. PAC members aid WAMPO in identifying the plan Vision, Goals, Objectives, Needs and Regional Connection priorities. Working to inform stakeholders and conducting public engagement discussions, the PAC recommends decisions to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Transportation Policy Body (TPB). The frequency of PAC meetings depends on where WAMPO is in the planning process. PAC membership and meeting agendas can be found below.
MTP 2050/FFY2025 - FFY2028 TIP: Proposed Projects
As part of the transportation planning process, the Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WAMPO) updates its short-range Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) every two years and its long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) every five years. From September 15, 2023, through February 2, 2024, WAMPO held a combined Call for Projects for the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) 2050.
One hundred and two (102) candidate projects were submitted from eleven (11) WAMPO member jurisdictions for consideration for both the short-range TIP and long-range MTP planning horizons. These projects will be considered by stakeholders, elected officials, and local and regional experts for inclusion in the Federal fiscal years (FFY) 2025-2028 TIP and MTP 2050. These project proposals and decision-making efforts will culminate in a shared regional vision of transportation infrastructure for the next 25 years. Valuing transparency and collaboration, WAMPO developed maps for each candidate project location as well as an interactive map that contains project details including lead agency, requested time band, and project scope.
Interactive Map
Zoom in and click on a potential project for more information.