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Executive Committee

Executive Committee: Text

Meets quarterly on the 1st Thursday of the month at 11:00 AM
In person and online, unless stated otherwise on the meeting agenda

The Transportation Policy Body (TPB) first created the WAMPO Executive Committee in January 2014. At that time, the Executive Committee's primary charge was to provide strategic direction to staff on administrative service provision and other organizational, and administrative matters. As per the TPB bylaws, the Executive Committee is composed of the TPB Chair, the TPB Vice-Chair, the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Chair, a Wichita Metro area representative from the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) and two at large TPB members appointed by the TPB Chair to serve as voting representatives. The Executive Committee also includes as a non-voting, ex-officio member, the immediate past Chair of the TPB.


No more than one representative from any one jurisdiction may participate on the Executive Committee, and the Executive Committee is to include, in some capacity, one member from the City of Wichita and one member from Sedgwick County. The bylaws also state that its membership is re-selected each year with the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair, and that no member can serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position.

The Executive Committee's duties and powers consist of the following, as per the TPB bylaws:

  • Exercise the duties and powers assigned to it by the TPB

  • Have the authority to take action on behalf of the TPB (between regular meetings of the TPB or when a necessary quorum is lacking at a regular meeting of the TPB)

  • Supervise the affairs of the TPB between regular meetings

All actions taken by the Executive Committee are subject to prior direction and subsequent ratification of the TPB.​


The Executive Committee currently consists of Russ Kessler (TPB Chair), George Liebe (TPB Vice-Chair), Dan Woydziak (TAC Chair), Nick Squires (Wichita Metro area KDOT representative) and two at-large members to be appointed by the TPB Chair. Becky Tuttle, immediate past TPB Chair, is a non-voting, ex officio member.

Executive Committee: Text


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