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lo que hacemos

Programa de mejora del transporte (TIP)

El TIP es un programa de corto alcance que identifica proyectos de transporte que se implementarán en la región de WAMPO.

Plan de Transporte Metropolitano (MTP)

El MTP tiene impactos directos en el sistema de transporte local, que incluye carreteras, puentes, ciclovías, tránsito, etc.

Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

The UPWP describes the transportation planning and programming activities for the fiscal year and complies with the Federal Planning regulations. The UPWP includes the transportation-related work activities during the current year, but also summarizes the planning activities completed during the prior year.​​

Performance Measures (PM)

The PM's are quantitative criteria used to evaluate the transportation system. Performance measures in MTP 2050 can be divided into two categories. States are required to set specific targets for each federal performance measure, which fall into 5 categories: highway safety (PM1), pavement & bridge condition (PM2), system performance (PM3), transit asset management (TAM), and transit safety. 

Congestion Management Process (CMP)

The CMP is one of WAMPO's core planning documents. Federally required, a CMP describes a structured framework to systematically identify, analyze, and manage traffic congestion.

Public Participation Plan (PPP)

The PPP describes our strategies and techniques to inform and engage the public in transportation planning issues with the intent of maximizing participation and effectiveness.

Programa Título VI

El Programa del Título VI garantiza que ninguna persona, por motivos de raza, color u origen nacional, sea excluida de la participación, se le nieguen los beneficios o sea objeto de discriminación en cualquier programa o actividad bajo el control de WAMPO.  

Datos e informes

Además de los documentos de planificación requeridos por el gobierno federal, WAMPO revisa los datos y desarrolla varios informes técnicos que ayudan a tomar decisiones informadas.

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