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Travel Demand Model

The Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WAMPO) is in the process of updating the Travel Demand Model (TDM) for the region. A TDM is a necessary tool for metropolitan planning organizations to develop long range plans and properly evaluate future projects in the region, as well as ensuring compliance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations.


JEO Consulting Group and Caliper Corporation were hired to work with the WAMPO project team to update the TDM. The update project kicked off in October 2022 and will conclude in Spring 2024.

What is A Travel Demand Model (TDM)?

Travel Demand Modeling Process

The WAMPO TDM includes a four-step process that helps determine transportation system needs for the future. Travel forecasting models are used to predict changes in travel and the ways people will choose to travel. For example, will peoples in the future prefer to travel by car, on foot or bicycle, or use public transportation? These changes are predicted based on changes in land development, demographics, and the supply of modes of transportation in a region.

A classic 4-step model is made up of:

WAMPO Travel Demand Model Graphic_Vertic

Step 1

Trip generation (how many trips?)

Step 2

Trip distribution (the flow of where trips go)

Step 3

Mode split (what type of transportation - car, bike, on foot, etc.)

Step 4

How much traffic on each part of the transportation network (traffic assignment)

Traffic Counts 2018 - 2022

Overview & Purpose

A TDM is a necessary tool for metropolitan planning organizations to develop long range plans and properly evaluate future projects in the region, as well as ensuring compliance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations. The purpose of the model is to provide a picture of existing and future travel in the region and the demand it places on the road, sidewalk, bike-path, and public transportation networks. The model also helps decision-makers understand how well future or proposed transportation projects will serve the needs of the region.


Travel demand modeling helps answer questions like:

  • Which streets will become congested in the future?​

  • What transportation projects will best improve the region's modes of future travel?

  • How many people can we expect to use the transportation system in the future, and how will they use it?

This forecasting model will help us make better decisions because, without it, it is difficult to estimate what transportation infrastructure and services would experience congestion and needed improvements. It would also be hard to assume what magnitude of traffic is needed for bridge design improvements, when to make safety improvements, and what amount of increase in users should be considered. This also studies the travel time patterns in our region that the commuters experience to jobs, schools, medical care and amenities.

- Chad Parasa, WAMPO Executive Director

For more information on the WAMPO TDM and the update to the model, please reach out to WAMPO staff at or (316)779-1313.

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